Marietta Hoferer


Marietta Hoferer builds intricate pieces, fortified by tape on paper, which play with the structure of the grid creating nearly-symmetrical systems of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines as well as patterns of shapes of various sizes. This near adherence to the formal rules of the grid organizes the pictorial space into a single plane and replaces representational subject matter with abstraction of white hues.In turn, Hoferer’s appropriation of the grid results in a minimalistic depiction of a personal narrative.

Material and process determine drawing. Hoferer studies a variety of tape (brand, age, width, texture, luminosity) and chooses accordingly to produce a specific pattern. Although she practices precision, she wanders through experimentation. Free-hand pencil lines emerge from the surface; layers of tape cast shadows and reflect light. Rendering “light” on white drawings, Hoferer relies on these nuances to complete compositions.

Hoferer (born in Hausach, Germany) lives and works in New York City and shows in numerous international galleries. Hoferer studied at St. Martins School of Art and Design, London, England, and at Hunter College, New York, NY. Later, she completed the MFA Program at Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, Germany in 1995. Her work appears in museum collections, and she has received over fifteen grants and awards from worldwide intuitions, including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation. Hoferer has been an artist in residence at VCCA-France in le Moulin à Nef à Auvillar, France, Her work has been on view in Berlin, Germany as well as at Tegnerforbundet in Oslo, Norway, and at Galerie Gudrun Fuckner in Ludwigsburg, Germany.